Why Does My Own Insurance Company Want Me To See A Doctor?

by Friedman & Ranzenhofer, PC on April 23, 2012

in NY Insurance Issues

Medical treatment in Buffalo automobile accidents is governed under New York State’s No Fault Insurance Law.  Under this system, an injured person’s own auto insurance usually pays for the initial medical treatment, lost wages, and other expenses.  These payments are a separate issue from any personal injury lawsuit that may arise against the other driver.

Because your own insurance company is paying for medical treatment, it is not unusual for them to request that a physician of their own choosing perform a medical examination.  The purpose of this medical examination is supposed to be to verify whether the treatment you are receiving is necessary. 

When asked to undergo such an examination, you should be aware that many experienced personal injury attorneys are suspicious of such exams.  While some medical providers may generate a report that is objective and reasonable, it often appears that the primary purpose of this examination is not to determine whether additional treatment is necessary, but rather to obtain a “medical opinion” that will allow the insurance company to discontinue treatment.

If you have been in an auto accident and have any questions, please feel free to call us at 716-542-5444.  We would be happy to assist you.

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