April 2012

Buffalo slip and fall lawsuits require that the injured person be able to establish what they fell on.  They also require that the defendant either actually be aware of the dangerous condition or that the condition was there long enough that the defendant reasonably could be expected to discover it.  This second set of requirements […]


Buffalo’s emergency responders perform an important function and need to be able to travel quickly.  While this does not give them the right to act with complete disregard for other drivers and pedestrians, the law does give them certain rights when responding to an emergency call that may bar a successful personal injury lawsuit. When […]


Why Does My Own Insurance Company Want Me To See A Doctor?

by Friedman & Ranzenhofer, PC on April 23, 2012

in NY Insurance Issues

Medical treatment in Buffalo automobile accidents is governed under New York State’s No Fault Insurance Law.  Under this system, an injured person’s own auto insurance usually pays for the initial medical treatment, lost wages, and other expenses.  These payments are a separate issue from any personal injury lawsuit that may arise against the other driver. […]


Buffalo landowners cannot be expected to keep their property perfectly clear of ice or other slippery conditions at all times.  They are, however, required to do a reasonable job in attempting to maintain their property in a safe condition for those using it. Slip and fall personal injury lawsuits usually are much easier when it […]


In most Buffalo personal injury lawsuits, there are basically three things that the injured party must prove to successfully sue:  (1) that the defendant was negligent, (2) that an injury was suffered, and (3) that the negligence was the cause of the injury.  This third item – the required connection between the negligence and the […]


Is The Rear Driver Always At Fault In A Rear End Collision?

by Friedman & Ranzenhofer, PC on April 16, 2012

in Buffalo Car Accidents

Buffalo personal injury lawsuits involving rear-end collisions are governed under New York State law.  In all personal injury lawsuits involving motor vehicle accidents, the burden is placed on the person suing to establish that the other driver was negligent in the operation of his or her vehicle, leading to a collision. The burden becomes much […]


Can I Use The Police Accident Report To Prove My Case?

by Friedman & Ranzenhofer, PC on April 13, 2012

in Buffalo Car Accidents

Most Buffalo car accidents investigated by the police result in a document known as a Police Accident Report (Form MV-104A) being completed by the investigating officer.  This document sets forth basic information relevant to the auto accident such as the names and addresses of the individuals involved, how the accident occurred, and whether there were […]


Most matters in Buffalo personal injury lawsuits are appealed to a higher court called the Appellate Division for the Fourth Department.  This court is based in Rochester, New York, and hears appeals from both civil and criminal courts covering a large section of upstate New York. In most cases, an appeal will go no further […]


Buffalo personal injury victims quickly become aware of the high cost of medical treatment.  Even when the cost of medical treatment is being paid by insurance, individuals who have suffered a personal injury frequently receive copies of medical bills and can see how fast the cost of treatment adds up.  The cost of prescribed medications […]


When a Buffalo personal injury lawsuit involves a neck or back injury – or, in some cases, injury to any joint – the injured person’s medical providers will frequently conduct range of motion testing to see if there is any limitation in the movement of the affected area.  This testing often takes on special significance […]